His lawyers are claiming you can't tell what exactly he's doing or smoking... But: "Throughout the video Ford’s eyes are half-closed. He lolls back in his chair, sometimes waving his arms around erratically. He raises a lighter in his hand at several points and moves it in a circle motion beneath the glass bowl of the pipe, then inhales deeply." Yep, he was smoking crack for sure (1).
I wonder if he goes States side and chills with Marion Barry... I wonder if he'll get his job back?
And, Rob Ford is calling the allegations ridiculous without actually denying it. Hmmm. He's supposed to be a straight talker; why doesn't he just come out and say "Yeah, I like to smoke some rock on my day off. Mind your own fucking business."
This is one of those areas where I'm a total libertarian. I mean, who really gives a shit if the mayor likes to hit the pipe a little on the weekend? And FYI all those scare stories about how anyone who comes within a 100 mile radius of crack becoming an instant addict is nothing but DEA propaganda. None of the other drugs are any more addictive than alcohol.
I'd like to see Rob Ford and Marion Barry hold a joint press conference where they take a big hit off the pipe and blow it in the journalists' faces. It'd be like a crackhead "Ebony and Ivory".
1. Crack is nothing more than cocaine and baking soda. The "rock" is made through the extremely complicated process of putting them both in water and heating it up to evaporate off the water leaving a clumpy brownish substance. And in fact crack is considerably less potent than "freebase" which is made by heating cocaine powder in ammonia (or ether but this is considerably more dangerous due to ether's highly flammable nature) to take out all the impurities and leaving a translucent crystallized "rock". When you smoke the stuff (freebase or crack) it doesn't burn but melts. So the best way to do it is to turn the pipe upside down and heat it up to make a vapor that you then inhale. Don't ask how I know this (Oh OK, I did a lot of drugs when I was teenager. Happy?)